
All the year around

There are four seasons of the year - spring, summer, autumn /fall and winter.
Spring officially begins on March 21st. In spring there is a lot of rain and sunshine. The days slowly get longer and warmer so that plants begin to grow again.
In summer, which begins June 21st, the days are usually hot and sunny but there can also be a lot of rain.
Autumn, which begins on September 23rd, is probably best known as the season when the leaves (leaf - list) on the trees change to bright colors. Autumn is also known for its windy weather. The days get shorter and colder as winter approaches (approach - blížit se). The season which begins December 22nd is winter.
In winter the weather is cold and there is a lot of snow. I think living in a country where there are four distinct (odlišný, rozdílný) seasons is much more interesting than living someplace where the weather doesn't change much.
Spring begins on 21st March, which is also a day of a spring equinox. The days get longer and the night is shorter. Spring and summer are the most beautiful seasons of the year. Nature wakes up after the winter and people fall in love and we have summer holiday. The weather in spring especially in April is unpredictable and very changeable. The temperatures usually fluctuate around the zero at night and during the day it can rise above the zero and sometimes up to ten degrees. It is the time of many rainfalls, but if it clears up the air is fresh and people enjoy good weather.

Summer begins on 21st June,
a day of a summer solstice and the day is longest in the year. People are more interested in weather, because they set out on journeys and plan their holidays. The temperatures rise above 25 °C. Early in the morning the sky is bright and clear and no wind blows. If the rain comes it is usually in a form of storm or shower. The storm is followed with the thunder, lightning and heavy downpour. Every man who stands out is wet to the skin. It is very dangerous to stand under the trees, because when the lightning hit it, it may wound you. Sometimes when the sun is shining during the shower, there is a rainbow after it. Summer is also the time of for strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and cranberries and it is a time of the harvest of corn.

Autumn /fall
At the beginning of the September exactly on 23rd September the summer is over. This is also a day of autumn equinox. The nights are longer and days get shorter. It is a time of harvest. We pick apples, pears and plumbs and we are gathering potatoes. The trees and grass are changing. The stalks go yellow and gets dry. The leaves go yellow, brown and fall. It is a time of mushrooming. Birds set off the journey to the south. The days are cloudy and it often rains. Temperatures drop down, the weather is gloomy, rainy and it goes chilly. The mornings are sometimes foggy. Also the behavior of people is changing. They are irritable and it is a time of many diseases.
Winter comes on 21st December, the day of winter equinox. The night is longest in the year. Typical winter weather brings snowfalls. The view from the top of the mountain down to the valley on the white trees is absolutely wonderful. The temperatures sometimes drop 20 degrees below the freezing point. The roads become icy and slippery and it is very dangerous to go by car.

The weather in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has a continental climate which means the weather changes a lot during the year. There are four distinct seasons - in spring it is warm but with many cool, rainy days, in summer it can be very hot but it also rains quite a bit, in autumn the days are cool with, foggy mornings and in winter it gets quite cold and it can be windy and snowy. The highest temperatures occur in July and August when the temperature can go up to 35 degrees centigrade, but usually it only gets up to 25 or 30 degrees. January is usually the coldest month of the year with normal temperatures of around freezing to about 5 degrees. On extreme days the temperature can go down to 20 degrees below freezing. If you average the temperatures over the whole year, the Czech Republic has an average temperature of 9.8 degrees centigrade. When the sun is shining during the shower, there is a rainbow.
It differ very much between each region because for example in Prague there is hardly any snow but in our region Vysočina there is always lot of snow each winter.
The weather in Great Britain

The weather in Britain is slightly milder than the weather in the Czech Republic. This is partly because Britain is surrounded by water. The water helps to control the temperatures and to keep them from being too extreme but it also contributes to the amount of rain that falls in Britain. In Britain they also have four distinct seasons. The winters have more snow than we do here but it isn't so cold. In spring it rains a lot but there are also sunny days. In summer the temperature can be over 30 degrees but that doesn't happen very often. In autumn there is also quite a bit of rain and cool days. In Britain the days during summer are slightly longer than they are here and the days in winter are slightly shorter. On average the Czech Republic has more days with sunshine than in Britain.
•    very common conversational topic in Britain (because of very changeable weather)
•    mostly mild and moderate climate
•    winters are not so cold and summers are not so hot
•    West coast of USA has warm climate and the most of year is sunny (The coast is influenced by the Pacific Ocean climate)
East coast has moderate climate influenced by the Atlantic Ocean.


This is an area in Africa, Sahara and today includes the countries: Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, and Eritrea. More specifically is located in southern part of the desert called Sahara. It’s covering an area of 3 063 200 square kilometres and its mostly covered on grassland and savannah. Because of very dry climate there are very low precipitations per year (from 100 mm to 500mm). This is linked with absence of fertile land and because of that there is not enough food for all people living in these countries.
Continent located on the very south of our planet. The fifth biggest in the world. It’s covered by enormous glacier. As we know, Peter said that the lowest temperature was registered here on Russian station Vostok and it was exactly -89.2°C. Nobody lives here, only a few scientists doing their researches in special establishments. The weather is extremely cold but also extremely dry (precipitations are in some locations under 50 mm per year). Also there blows strong wind which is connected with snow blizzards.
It is not only the state with enormous number of habitants but also the state where every year the floods kill thousands of people. It’s typical for central China where the biggest rivers are and the most of habitants is living there. But the deadliest flood in China’s history was happened in 1931 when was killed from 400 000 to 4 000 000 people. Another actual natural disaster is typhoon. Almost always starts in the middle of Pacific Ocean and continues over small islands in the sea to the China’s coastline. It takes hundreds of lives but for present we are not able to successfully defend ourselves.
Japan is located near the contact of lithospherical desks and this caused the earthquakes almost every year. It’s measured by Richtr scale (2 – the most gentle, 8 – the most disastering). I like that they are working on many projects which could reduce damages caused by earthquakes at the moment. The earthquake is also linked with tsunami. This is a kind of huge wave which is a consequence of the earthquake in the ocean. The result has a really devastating effect on coastline. A mankind is trying to defend those coastlines by many ways and one of the most effective seems to be building seawalls which could at least reduce damage caused by wave.
The people of England enthusiastically wait for the time of Festival and Events in England. The population of England is predominantly Christian and thus most of the festivals and events in England usually have Christian connections. Some of the important festivals in England include Good Friday, Christmas and New Year. Guy Fawkes Day is yet another important part of festivals and events in England that is celebrated with much enthusiasm. On the 4th of November, 1605, a person called Guy Fawkes was caught red-handed in the basement of the British Parliament. He was trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament with gunpowder. Ever since then, the 5th of November is celebrated by the English for his capture and execution by burning an effigy (model) of him on bonfires around the nation. Some of the other famous Festivals in England are Easter, Easter Monday, May Day Bank Holiday, Spring Bank Holiday and Boxing Day. Some of the popular events in England celebrated with much enthusiasm through out the country are Pancake Day Race, celebrated on Shrove Tuesday; Ideal Home Exhibition, celebrated from early March to early April; Oxford/Cambridge Boat Race, celebrated in late March or early April; May Morning ceremony, on 1st of May; Flower parade, in early May; Great Autumn Flower show; celebrated in middle September; Royal Smithfield show; Horse of the Year show and many more.
It has its origin in Celtic history. It’s celebrated on the 31st of October mostly in English speaking countries (for example USA, United Kingdom, New Zeeland, Canada). At the evening the children wear fearsome costumes come from house to house begging with sentence “trick or treat” and you should give them some sweet. Very popular are also Halloween parties and watching horror films. The very important symbol is Jack’o’latern -> this is that big pumpkin with graven fearsome face. And why Jack? There are many legends but the most popular is this: Jack was an alcoholic and it was 31st October when he was completely drunk and the devil believed that he is losing his soul. So he came for Jack but he didn’t want to go with him and started thinking how to trick the devil. He offered him one of Jack’s delicious apples but the demon could not reach them so Jack helped him and when the evil was on the tree Jack engraved the crucifix in the bark of that tree. Devil could not get down so he promised to Jack that he would never come back for him. Jack agreed. But after some time he died. He came in gate to paradise but they didn’t want him for his alcoholism so he went down to the gate to the hell and the evil told him that he could not pass the gate because of Jack’s trick with tree and apple. However the demon gave him a piece of flaming carbon so he would be able to light on his everlasting wandering. Jack put this carbon into the pumpkin and that’s all.

Notting hill carnival in London
Is second the most largest street festival in the world (1 000 000 people take part in this event every year). It takes place each August and it’s led by member of Trinidad and Tobago population who has lived in this area since 1950’s. The people wear really original and eccentric costumes. History of this event is simple: this carnival was a response to racial relations at that time; in fact it was a reaction to Notting Hill race riot, which means the racial attacks against non-English-countrymen.

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