
Important Events of British History

Are you interested in history ? Why/why not ?
Put the names of the most important British kings and queens in chronological order.
Choose one of them and talk about his/her time in more detail.
Have there been any contacts between our countries throughout the history?

I’m interested in history, I like history because I will be doing (I’ve done)  maturita from history today. However more than British history I like the old time of ancient civilizations such as Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Mesopotamian, etc. We were supposed to write a seminar essay and my topic was connection between The Great pyramid of Giza and Orion belt. And believe me - there is a strong connection linked to origins of human religion. But let’s go back to British history.
William the Conqueror
He was the greatest Norman king. After the battle of Hastings (1066) he became the English king. He is also the author of Doomsday book in which was recorded all landholders (držitelé půdy) in England. As he became the king he brought to England his Norman culture instead of Anglo-Saxon; Normans built for example Tower of London.
Richard the Lionheart
He was known for his leading role in the Third holy crusade (1189 - 1192). He was also the first crusader who succeeded in negotiations with mighty Arabian leader Saladin. The result was peace profitable to both sides both Crusader and Arabian.
Henry VIII. of England

He is known for his role in separation of the Church of England (anglikánská církev) from Roman Catholic Church. His conflicts, during 16th century, with Rome led to completely separation of the Church of England from papal authority; he established himself as the Supreme Head of the Church of England. He was also one of founders of Royal Navy.
Oliver Cromwell (Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland)
He was known for his role in civil war and for creating Commonwealth of England - the republic. After the execution of King Charles I. Stuart he became the leader of England - the republic and he occupied Scotland and Ireland. From the year 1653 he was called as Lord Protector.
Victoria of the United Kingdom
Today we say Victorian era which was one of the most lucrative and prosperous period of time in whole history of United Kingdom Empire. During almost 64 years leadership of Victoria Britain came successfully through the industry revolution, in 1851 was built Crystal Palace - the place in Hyde Park constructed from glass and iron - where took place the first Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations. Victorian era is known for its original style of architecture which is typical for buildings of town hall in Manchester or ... When Victoria died the whole country was drowned in tears (utopena v slzách).
I want to choose William the Conqueror because he was skilled military leader of very strong nation - Normans which influenced more than British kingdom. William was illegitimate son of Norman king Robert I. and king’s mistress (milenka) Herlev of Falais. For this reason sometimes we can see the name William the Bastard. After his father’s death he became the king of Normandy. In the spring of 1051, William received an important message from King Edward III. Confessor. In that message Childless Edward wrote that William will be the next king on English throne. After Edward’s death William submitted his claim to the English throne (vznesl svůj nárok na anglický trůn). However the English throne got the last Anglo-Saxon king Harold II. Godwinson. At this time William cross the sea and launched the Norman invasion; and there in England fought a battle near the place called Hastings. He won this battle and established himself the king of England in 1066 Anno Domini. During the first years of his reign (vláda) William had to solve problems with unsatisfied Anglo-Saxon noblemen; but he could successfully deal with them. Normans started building great castles and fortification (for example The Tower of London, chapel in the White Tower). In the year 1086 William wrote the Doomsday book which was record of survey from all England. The reason why this happened was to find out how many properties people have and based on that set up the taxes. He died because of serious injury in the year 1087 in France.
The very first thing which comes to my mind is situation during the WWII. after villages Lidice and Ležáky were burnt down. Great Britain was one of the signers of Munich Agreement together with France, Nazi Germany and Italy. After massacre in these two villages Great Britain with Winston Churchill as a great leader withdrew (odstoupila) from Munich Agreement and the sympathy between our countries increased very much.

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