
Times Are Changing

What do you consider to be the greatest inventions that have changed the world?
Do these inventions always help people to live better lives?
Are you a confirmed conservationist? (ochránce přírody)
Is there anything that you are ready to sacrify „to save the planet“?

1)    Writing - Very important milestone (mezník) in our history is invention of writing. From that moment the mankind was able to give specific information about how the civilization was evolving, writing also gave us a proof of first written law books (for example Hammurabi), proofs of first religion, first leaders, business transaction, etc.
2)    Fire - Another important event in our history. From this moment our society was able to light during the night, to help prepare hot food or just heat up a cold pair of hands.
3)    Wheel
- When Sumerians (Sumerové) invented wheel it was a lot of easier to transport loaded goods to longer distances.
4)    Knife - It is simply the most reliable, useful and important tool in human history. It was evolving during our history and today there is huge variety of knifes.
5)    Electricity - From the beginning of 19th century we are able to use electricity which has changed our lives really rapidly. Without this we wouldn’t be able turning on television, computer, fridge, microwave, etc. I can’t imagine living on place where it isn’t electric energy.
6)    Internet - Internet with World Wide Web provides (poskytuje) the largest net (síť) which gives us chance to for example communicate with foreign people via email, ICQ or FACEBOOK; then share information, creating business, watching films, listen to music, etc.
Those inventions helped many good people on Earth but every invention can be abused; as well as those inventions. For example knife was firstly used to easier preparing of meat in Neolith. During thousands of years was evolving and changed from stone-knife to coppery-knife (měděný) then to bronzed-knife. The blade was getting longer and longer and after several thousands of years there was a sword. During our modern history it has changed from “helper in the kitchen” to “taker of human lives”. Even fire is good servant but bad master. Remember the great fire of Národní divadlo (National Theatre) in 1881 when almost all equipment was burnt.
I don’t think that I’m one of these conservationists. I’m too passive - I don’t take part in cleaning forests or rivers. I was doing it once or twice in my life during the summer camp because it was obligation (povinnost). On the other hand for whole my life I was trying to not damage nature all around us. This means that our family separates waste (třídí odpad). Nowadays we have three kinds of this stuff: paper, plastic and glass (we separate white and coloured glass). What happens next? More than 90% of paper, plastic and glass are possible to recycle. Glass is used during the production of new glasses; paper is used during the new production of notebooks, professional manuals or books; plastic is used during the production of toys, clothes or tents. The most of remaining 10% of waste is distributed to factories and similar companies as alternative fuel. However process of combustion (spalování) is releasing fumes to our atmosphere and is destroying our ozone cover. If there were some kind of dangerous things like batteries, paints, fridge we didn’t throw them away in the middle of forest but we waited for ODAS van. From time to time this company ODAS in Žďár nad Sázavou organizes the event of gathering dangerous waste. It is true that it takes place only for two or three times per year but it’s better than nothing.
Our planet is one of the most important things in our lives but there are a few people who actually realize it. If we would be talking only about area in Czech Republic we have to understand that thanks to communism regime there were several bad processes that seriously damaged our Czech nature (“new” ideology was based on heavy machinery [těžké strojírenství], the new view to nature is scenery with a lot of chimneys). It went better after change of regime. But nowadays we have to face other problems in whole world. Recently there were several meeting and global discussions about ecologic problems (global warming, many factories, many cars, many people in the world, Africa - famine, cutting down the Amazon Forest) but these events didn’t solve anything. For example cutting down the Amazon Forest; the companies argue that they want to build there a farm which produce a lot of food which can be distributed to Africa, but Amazon forest produces a massive amount of oxygen. If there is no trees -> there is no oxygen - that is simple but directors and nowadays leaders are not listening; they warm up to get another lucrative contract and doesn’t care about next generation of our mankind. And so I’m saying YES! I’m ready to sacrify. I think I’m able to give up riding a car or bus because I can get to every place here in Žďár by foot and don’t need vehicle. The problem connected with longer distances such as Brno - Prague would solve electric train.
In my opinion we should invested more money to researches connected with electric cars, machine for improving fertility of ground, machine which could be able make from salt water fresh water, etc.; and the sooner the better.

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