
Crime and punishment

Is crime a major problem in modern society ?
Are you afraid of criminals?
How do people get to know about crimes and acts of violence that have happened ?
Are prisons always a good solution to the problem ?
How do you feel about death penalty ?

Actually, crime has been a very big problem in our society for whole existence of our mankind. I’m sure that now days the crime is the bad part of the world where we live. Most committed crimes are against property, not people. And most is not carried out by professionals and carefully planned. Property crimes are based on the easy opportunity and are often committed by young people. There are many different types of crimes:
1) Minor offences:  drivers offences – illegal parking, speeding, driving against the red
     shoplifting – stealing things from opened shops
     tiny thefts from pockets - purses, mobile phones, keys, papers
2) Crime against property: burglary – someone break into flat, office or closed shop and steal st.
     hooliganism - fans, drunkards or demonstrationists pass a street, wreck cars, break windows, light a fire, make noise, demolish communal property
     robbery – stealing money from shops, banks, post offices, petrol stations
3) Crime against people:  assault – attacking someone and hurt him
     rape – special type of assault - violent sex
     blackmail – call for money somebody for example because of secret  information about him, which he doesn’t want to make public
     kidnapping – taking someone prisoners and demand money for his release
     mugging – attacking someone and stealing from him car in the street
     manslaughter – killing someone unintentionally
     murder – intentional kill, often planned
4) Economical crimes:  imposture –borrow money from someone and not to return it, sale false things
     smuggling – importing or exporting things secretly – goods, subject to duty
     forgery – making false documents, money, signature, stamps
There are also another, I think more dangerous crimes: hijacking, terrorism or dealing drugs.

To be honest I’m not sure if I would fear in some specific moment. For example if I would be in some bank and suddenly would come a group of robbers with guns, machineguns, shotguns, revolvers, colts and whatever it would be very difficult to solve that situation. I’m just a poor citizen of the city and I wasn’t trained to defusing these bad and dangerous persons. In other hand - imagine a situation: lady with a small baby wearing handbag – a nice day in a park but suddenly a thief is coming and he is stealing lady’s handbag with money or credit cards and he is running away. In this moment I would be chase him down out him under the law of Czech justice.

In my opinion people generally are interested in what is going on around them and they are able to know about crimes from TV, radio, today especially the internet. Or whether we are students or working persons – from colleagues or friends.

In my opinion, the prison is good way how to improve a prisoners mind. But there are a few buts. I would recommend imprison these people who committed a very bad crime such as crime against people (manslaughter, murder, rape, kidnap) these people are really dangerous. But burglars, thieves or shoplifters wouldn’t have the same conditions. They could work as a cheap manpower. Of course they would work on specific place in which is really hard to escape. This working process is necessary. For example imagine a non-existent person Bobby. Bobby is thief and shoplifter. He doesn’t have home and any family. Bobby is homeless. Bobby knows that after summer comes autumn and then winter. Bobby knows that in the winter he wouldn’t survive. Then Bobby goes to the shop and steals some delicious food. He gets arrested and imprisoned. It’s winter and Bobby is sitting in prison’s dining room and making a new friends and he knows that in spring he will be free. O.K. The biggest paradox is that food, drink, clothes, shoes, socks – everything is paid by taxpayers – citizens of Czech Republic. And there is not any law which could comfortably satisfied us.

About the death penalty we should speak very carefully. It’s a very controversial topic especially in today’s world. I don’t have nonconformist (vyhraněný) opinion for this but the first reaction in case that I hear about somebody who murdered 20 people in really masochistic way and during these acts he was smiling I would vote for YES. Why I should pay them a lifelong penalty stay in prison?

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