
Healt and Diseases

What do people do to keep healthy?
What happens if they fall ill?
Do you think people are healthier now than they used to be? Why? Why not?
Have you ever had any serious problems?
Do you know of any famous discoveries in the field of medicine?
How does new technology help?

Hello everyone, especially you, dear teachers. I’d like to introduce myself as someone, who would like to talk about health and diseases (to zní divně).
What’s the best on diseases? Being without them.. Sounds nice, but what you can do for it? I have some tips and tricks for you, even thought I think that you’ve already heard some of them..
Exercise or just walk for at least 30 minutes per day. You need to move to burn those calories, to keep your body “oiled” and revving (roztočený). If you do it every day, you should be in a good shape.
Sleep earlier. Don’t stay up late, forget about all hectic things you have to do next day; just relax when you go to the bed.
Eat more vegetables, cut down on red meat, caffeine, sugar and salt. You don’t need to eat the chocolate every day, instead of fried cooked foot take rather vegetable salad; avoid fast foods.
Never skip breakfast. One proverb: Eat breakfast alone, share lunch with your friend and give dinner to your enemy. It’s most important food of the day.
Don’t stress out. Wash your hands often. Visit your doctor for annual (kazdorocni) tests. Routine tests can catch problems early on before they develop into real trouble later. Don’t let it grow into a big issue that costs a lot to deal with.
I think that everyone should be careful about their health, especially the young people like me . It’s to go party after a busy week, but you should release that you need to take a long sleep at first.. anyway it’s important to listen to your body.

What do I do if I fall ill? At the beginning, when I just don’t feel OK, I surely stop my training for a while to see if it’s not anything serious. If it’s just a headache I stay for a day at home. If it gets worse (temperature) you should go to your doctor. The cost of medical treatment in this county is almost for free, so you pay only a little charge. The doctor examines you to try to find out what’s wrong. He takes you the temperature, the blood pressure, he may ask you for blood sample; then you have to usually wait a few days to get the result. 
If you have a more serious problem, the doctor might refer you to a specialist at the hospital. The specialist can give you a more detailed diagnosis of the problem and, in some cases, recommended an operation. I think the healthcare system in this country works pretty well, although it’s better to be healthy and don’t use it at all..
Do you think people are healthier now than they used to be? Why? Why not? That’s a tricky guestion, I’d say. Maybe yes – becouse if you look at the averege age, it has increased a lot in the last century. We don’t to work the whole days, as people in the middle age used to do. We can exercises as much as we want, we can eat all kinds of vegetables, vitamine products.
On the other hand we sleep less than we should (8-6), most of the people live in the city, where is not so much of fresh air, lot of waste product and so on.. and we lot of people live very busy live, with no relaxation.. like me. Smoke, drinking alcohol….
 Have you ever had any serious problems?
I had a few troubles with my life, it wasn’t anything critical, but I had to stay in hospital..
In the age of 5 my friend hit me with a hoe (motyka) right to my head.. I had just a few memories (z hlavy vokecat)
In the first year at that school, I had to go to a surgery (operace) with my heel, I had a something on the bone there, I couldn’t almost walk… vice z hlavy
In September last year, I had a pneumonia.. I was lucky, the doctor sent just for sure to the hospital..

Do you know of any famous discoveries in the field of medicine?
As the most important medicine inventios in the history I consider the penicilin and X-Ray. Penicillin is a common antibiotic, used to treat bacterial infections, though many types of bacteria are now resistant. Penicillin was discovered by Scottish scientist Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928. It was not mass-produced until the 1940s, however. Penicillin is sometimes used to treat syphilis, tonsilitis, meningitis, and pneumonia as well as other diseases. It was commonly used during World War 2. Penicillin was discovered when Fleming discovered a mold(forma) that was stopping bacteria from growing on the petri dishes.
X-ray is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, with frequency higher than ultraviolet radiation. The frequency of X-ray covers a wide range. It can go through many solid materials. X-rays can be produced by hitting metal with fast-moving electrons. X-ray photography is used in medicine to see bones and cancer, and other things inside bodies. It was dicvered by Rontgen and it’s named after him.
Very well known czech invention is the contact lens, it was discovered by czech chemist Otto von Wichterle, although they were already described by Leonardo da Vinci..
Prof. Jan Jánsky  - he is credited with the first classification of blood into the four types..
How does new technology help?
Medicine is changing fast. The state of healthcare today will soon be outdated by new technologies.
Diabetic patients will soon be wearing a monitoring device on their wrist which checks glucose levels and raises an alarm when levels are too high or low.
Robots will be deployed in hospitals, running central supply services, filling requests and orders in the hospital pharmacy and carrying out a great range of tasks.
Tensions between raw scientific optimism and a desire to avoid potential adverse social and ethical consequences will affect the pace of development in studies of the human genome. Genetic testing and gene manipulation could transform medicine so that medicine will no longer be "diagnosis and treatment" but "prediction and prevention."Future generations will have the heavy responsibility of knowing their genetic makeup

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