
Times Are Changing

What do you consider to be the greatest inventions that have changed the world?
Do these inventions always help people to live better lives?
Are you a confirmed conservationist? (ochránce přírody)
Is there anything that you are ready to sacrify „to save the planet“?

1)    Writing - Very important milestone (mezník) in our history is invention of writing. From that moment the mankind was able to give specific information about how the civilization was evolving, writing also gave us a proof of first written law books (for example Hammurabi), proofs of first religion, first leaders, business transaction, etc.
2)    Fire - Another important event in our history. From this moment our society was able to light during the night, to help prepare hot food or just heat up a cold pair of hands.
3)    Wheel
- When Sumerians (Sumerové) invented wheel it was a lot of easier to transport loaded goods to longer distances.
4)    Knife - It is simply the most reliable, useful and important tool in human history. It was evolving during our history and today there is huge variety of knifes.
5)    Electricity - From the beginning of 19th century we are able to use electricity which has changed our lives really rapidly. Without this we wouldn’t be able turning on television, computer, fridge, microwave, etc. I can’t imagine living on place where it isn’t electric energy.
6)    Internet - Internet with World Wide Web provides (poskytuje) the largest net (síť) which gives us chance to for example communicate with foreign people via email, ICQ or FACEBOOK; then share information, creating business, watching films, listen to music, etc.
Those inventions helped many good people on Earth but every invention can be abused; as well as those inventions. For example knife was firstly used to easier preparing of meat in Neolith. During thousands of years was evolving and changed from stone-knife to coppery-knife (měděný) then to bronzed-knife. The blade was getting longer and longer and after several thousands of years there was a sword. During our modern history it has changed from “helper in the kitchen” to “taker of human lives”. Even fire is good servant but bad master. Remember the great fire of Národní divadlo (National Theatre) in 1881 when almost all equipment was burnt.
I don’t think that I’m one of these conservationists. I’m too passive - I don’t take part in cleaning forests or rivers. I was doing it once or twice in my life during the summer camp because it was obligation (povinnost). On the other hand for whole my life I was trying to not damage nature all around us. This means that our family separates waste (třídí odpad). Nowadays we have three kinds of this stuff: paper, plastic and glass (we separate white and coloured glass). What happens next? More than 90% of paper, plastic and glass are possible to recycle. Glass is used during the production of new glasses; paper is used during the new production of notebooks, professional manuals or books; plastic is used during the production of toys, clothes or tents. The most of remaining 10% of waste is distributed to factories and similar companies as alternative fuel. However process of combustion (spalování) is releasing fumes to our atmosphere and is destroying our ozone cover. If there were some kind of dangerous things like batteries, paints, fridge we didn’t throw them away in the middle of forest but we waited for ODAS van. From time to time this company ODAS in Žďár nad Sázavou organizes the event of gathering dangerous waste. It is true that it takes place only for two or three times per year but it’s better than nothing.
Our planet is one of the most important things in our lives but there are a few people who actually realize it. If we would be talking only about area in Czech Republic we have to understand that thanks to communism regime there were several bad processes that seriously damaged our Czech nature (“new” ideology was based on heavy machinery [těžké strojírenství], the new view to nature is scenery with a lot of chimneys). It went better after change of regime. But nowadays we have to face other problems in whole world. Recently there were several meeting and global discussions about ecologic problems (global warming, many factories, many cars, many people in the world, Africa - famine, cutting down the Amazon Forest) but these events didn’t solve anything. For example cutting down the Amazon Forest; the companies argue that they want to build there a farm which produce a lot of food which can be distributed to Africa, but Amazon forest produces a massive amount of oxygen. If there is no trees -> there is no oxygen - that is simple but directors and nowadays leaders are not listening; they warm up to get another lucrative contract and doesn’t care about next generation of our mankind. And so I’m saying YES! I’m ready to sacrify. I think I’m able to give up riding a car or bus because I can get to every place here in Žďár by foot and don’t need vehicle. The problem connected with longer distances such as Brno - Prague would solve electric train.
In my opinion we should invested more money to researches connected with electric cars, machine for improving fertility of ground, machine which could be able make from salt water fresh water, etc.; and the sooner the better.

All the year around

There are four seasons of the year - spring, summer, autumn /fall and winter.
Spring officially begins on March 21st. In spring there is a lot of rain and sunshine. The days slowly get longer and warmer so that plants begin to grow again.
In summer, which begins June 21st, the days are usually hot and sunny but there can also be a lot of rain.
Autumn, which begins on September 23rd, is probably best known as the season when the leaves (leaf - list) on the trees change to bright colors. Autumn is also known for its windy weather. The days get shorter and colder as winter approaches (approach - blížit se). The season which begins December 22nd is winter.
In winter the weather is cold and there is a lot of snow. I think living in a country where there are four distinct (odlišný, rozdílný) seasons is much more interesting than living someplace where the weather doesn't change much.
Spring begins on 21st March, which is also a day of a spring equinox. The days get longer and the night is shorter. Spring and summer are the most beautiful seasons of the year. Nature wakes up after the winter and people fall in love and we have summer holiday. The weather in spring especially in April is unpredictable and very changeable. The temperatures usually fluctuate around the zero at night and during the day it can rise above the zero and sometimes up to ten degrees. It is the time of many rainfalls, but if it clears up the air is fresh and people enjoy good weather.

Summer begins on 21st June,
a day of a summer solstice and the day is longest in the year. People are more interested in weather, because they set out on journeys and plan their holidays. The temperatures rise above 25 °C. Early in the morning the sky is bright and clear and no wind blows. If the rain comes it is usually in a form of storm or shower. The storm is followed with the thunder, lightning and heavy downpour. Every man who stands out is wet to the skin. It is very dangerous to stand under the trees, because when the lightning hit it, it may wound you. Sometimes when the sun is shining during the shower, there is a rainbow after it. Summer is also the time of for strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and cranberries and it is a time of the harvest of corn.

Autumn /fall
At the beginning of the September exactly on 23rd September the summer is over. This is also a day of autumn equinox. The nights are longer and days get shorter. It is a time of harvest. We pick apples, pears and plumbs and we are gathering potatoes. The trees and grass are changing. The stalks go yellow and gets dry. The leaves go yellow, brown and fall. It is a time of mushrooming. Birds set off the journey to the south. The days are cloudy and it often rains. Temperatures drop down, the weather is gloomy, rainy and it goes chilly. The mornings are sometimes foggy. Also the behavior of people is changing. They are irritable and it is a time of many diseases.
Winter comes on 21st December, the day of winter equinox. The night is longest in the year. Typical winter weather brings snowfalls. The view from the top of the mountain down to the valley on the white trees is absolutely wonderful. The temperatures sometimes drop 20 degrees below the freezing point. The roads become icy and slippery and it is very dangerous to go by car.

The weather in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has a continental climate which means the weather changes a lot during the year. There are four distinct seasons - in spring it is warm but with many cool, rainy days, in summer it can be very hot but it also rains quite a bit, in autumn the days are cool with, foggy mornings and in winter it gets quite cold and it can be windy and snowy. The highest temperatures occur in July and August when the temperature can go up to 35 degrees centigrade, but usually it only gets up to 25 or 30 degrees. January is usually the coldest month of the year with normal temperatures of around freezing to about 5 degrees. On extreme days the temperature can go down to 20 degrees below freezing. If you average the temperatures over the whole year, the Czech Republic has an average temperature of 9.8 degrees centigrade. When the sun is shining during the shower, there is a rainbow.
It differ very much between each region because for example in Prague there is hardly any snow but in our region Vysočina there is always lot of snow each winter.
The weather in Great Britain

The weather in Britain is slightly milder than the weather in the Czech Republic. This is partly because Britain is surrounded by water. The water helps to control the temperatures and to keep them from being too extreme but it also contributes to the amount of rain that falls in Britain. In Britain they also have four distinct seasons. The winters have more snow than we do here but it isn't so cold. In spring it rains a lot but there are also sunny days. In summer the temperature can be over 30 degrees but that doesn't happen very often. In autumn there is also quite a bit of rain and cool days. In Britain the days during summer are slightly longer than they are here and the days in winter are slightly shorter. On average the Czech Republic has more days with sunshine than in Britain.
•    very common conversational topic in Britain (because of very changeable weather)
•    mostly mild and moderate climate
•    winters are not so cold and summers are not so hot
•    West coast of USA has warm climate and the most of year is sunny (The coast is influenced by the Pacific Ocean climate)
East coast has moderate climate influenced by the Atlantic Ocean.


This is an area in Africa, Sahara and today includes the countries: Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, and Eritrea. More specifically is located in southern part of the desert called Sahara. It’s covering an area of 3 063 200 square kilometres and its mostly covered on grassland and savannah. Because of very dry climate there are very low precipitations per year (from 100 mm to 500mm). This is linked with absence of fertile land and because of that there is not enough food for all people living in these countries.
Continent located on the very south of our planet. The fifth biggest in the world. It’s covered by enormous glacier. As we know, Peter said that the lowest temperature was registered here on Russian station Vostok and it was exactly -89.2°C. Nobody lives here, only a few scientists doing their researches in special establishments. The weather is extremely cold but also extremely dry (precipitations are in some locations under 50 mm per year). Also there blows strong wind which is connected with snow blizzards.
It is not only the state with enormous number of habitants but also the state where every year the floods kill thousands of people. It’s typical for central China where the biggest rivers are and the most of habitants is living there. But the deadliest flood in China’s history was happened in 1931 when was killed from 400 000 to 4 000 000 people. Another actual natural disaster is typhoon. Almost always starts in the middle of Pacific Ocean and continues over small islands in the sea to the China’s coastline. It takes hundreds of lives but for present we are not able to successfully defend ourselves.
Japan is located near the contact of lithospherical desks and this caused the earthquakes almost every year. It’s measured by Richtr scale (2 – the most gentle, 8 – the most disastering). I like that they are working on many projects which could reduce damages caused by earthquakes at the moment. The earthquake is also linked with tsunami. This is a kind of huge wave which is a consequence of the earthquake in the ocean. The result has a really devastating effect on coastline. A mankind is trying to defend those coastlines by many ways and one of the most effective seems to be building seawalls which could at least reduce damage caused by wave.
The people of England enthusiastically wait for the time of Festival and Events in England. The population of England is predominantly Christian and thus most of the festivals and events in England usually have Christian connections. Some of the important festivals in England include Good Friday, Christmas and New Year. Guy Fawkes Day is yet another important part of festivals and events in England that is celebrated with much enthusiasm. On the 4th of November, 1605, a person called Guy Fawkes was caught red-handed in the basement of the British Parliament. He was trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament with gunpowder. Ever since then, the 5th of November is celebrated by the English for his capture and execution by burning an effigy (model) of him on bonfires around the nation. Some of the other famous Festivals in England are Easter, Easter Monday, May Day Bank Holiday, Spring Bank Holiday and Boxing Day. Some of the popular events in England celebrated with much enthusiasm through out the country are Pancake Day Race, celebrated on Shrove Tuesday; Ideal Home Exhibition, celebrated from early March to early April; Oxford/Cambridge Boat Race, celebrated in late March or early April; May Morning ceremony, on 1st of May; Flower parade, in early May; Great Autumn Flower show; celebrated in middle September; Royal Smithfield show; Horse of the Year show and many more.
It has its origin in Celtic history. It’s celebrated on the 31st of October mostly in English speaking countries (for example USA, United Kingdom, New Zeeland, Canada). At the evening the children wear fearsome costumes come from house to house begging with sentence “trick or treat” and you should give them some sweet. Very popular are also Halloween parties and watching horror films. The very important symbol is Jack’o’latern -> this is that big pumpkin with graven fearsome face. And why Jack? There are many legends but the most popular is this: Jack was an alcoholic and it was 31st October when he was completely drunk and the devil believed that he is losing his soul. So he came for Jack but he didn’t want to go with him and started thinking how to trick the devil. He offered him one of Jack’s delicious apples but the demon could not reach them so Jack helped him and when the evil was on the tree Jack engraved the crucifix in the bark of that tree. Devil could not get down so he promised to Jack that he would never come back for him. Jack agreed. But after some time he died. He came in gate to paradise but they didn’t want him for his alcoholism so he went down to the gate to the hell and the evil told him that he could not pass the gate because of Jack’s trick with tree and apple. However the demon gave him a piece of flaming carbon so he would be able to light on his everlasting wandering. Jack put this carbon into the pumpkin and that’s all.

Notting hill carnival in London
Is second the most largest street festival in the world (1 000 000 people take part in this event every year). It takes place each August and it’s led by member of Trinidad and Tobago population who has lived in this area since 1950’s. The people wear really original and eccentric costumes. History of this event is simple: this carnival was a response to racial relations at that time; in fact it was a reaction to Notting Hill race riot, which means the racial attacks against non-English-countrymen.


Why do people need education?
Describe the school systems in our country and in some other countries
Compare them

Education is one of the most important things in our life. Everybody should be at least basically educated. If the people are highly educated they can get a good, well-paid job. If someone has only basic education, he or she usually can’t get as good job as more educated people. However when he or she has a powerful and rich parents this person could be successful too. People with university mostly think that they must have the best jobs and the most money. Situation is a bit different. There are not enough jobs neither for less educated nor for high educated. High educated also would like to earn a lot of money from the beginning, but it’s not possible. People with low education usually work as cleaning women or workers. These jobs are also important but they are not very well paid. There are some problems with illiterate people in some countries – they can’t read and write and they don’t want to work. In our country exists a problem with Roma people (gypsies). On the other hand it’s good that there is some kind of balance between university graduates and high school or vocational school (odborné učiliště) former students (absolvent) because if we would imagine the world full of intelligent people - there wouldn’t be any of those cleaning men (women) or builders, labours, etc.
Education in Czech republic
Pre-school education starts in kindergartens (školka) at the age of 3 years. Children play together here, they learn how to draw, they learn also the basics of hygiene which includes washing hands after the using if toilet or before eating a food. Primary education starts at basic school. Children start learning at the age of 6 and end at the age of 15 - it has two degrees (low and high). Low degree includes learning writing, reading and counting and the second includes learning geography, physics, chemistry, advanced level practising foreign language. Everyone can choose secondary education. Teenagers ending the basic school give their application to gymnasium - it doesn’t have any specializations, it carries on with teaching in general way, to specials schools - technical school, economical, etc., to vocational school - prepares young people to the practical professions such as cook, painter, blacksmith, etc. After successfully passing maturita exams the most of people from gymnasiums and special schools go to the universities. There they can study economics, medicine, art, computers, geography, languages, philosophy, law, etc. This study takes 5 or 6 years and each year (turn) is divided to two terms. They finish this study with defence of their thesis (diplomová práce).
Education in Great Britain
Czech children British children spend their pre-school time similar as the children from Czech. The education starts at the age of 5. They go to primary schools, which we can divide into two parts: infants (5 to 7) and juniors (7 to 11). Children learn writing, reading, counting, they also learn how to get on with friends and teachers. At the age of 11 they start to attend secondary schools, which are called comprehensive (všeobecná střední škola) schools in GB. The children are divided into groups called streams according to their abilities. They are allowed to study only the subjects they are interested in. At the age of 16 they leave the school and do the O-level exams (they take it in 10 subjects). Then they decide whether they want to continue or not. If so, they study 2 or 3 years and then, at the age of 18, they sit for A-level exams. They take it in 3 or 4 subjects. There are about 47 universities in GB. The most known are Oxford and Cambridge, where is a typical tutorial system (each student has its own teacher, who helps him). University usually lasts 3 or 4 years (5 or 6 in medicine, dentistry and veterinary sciences). Students can get a degree of bachelor and they could study to get a degree of master.
Education in Spanish
Children come to kindergarten from 6 months to 5 years. It has 2 cycles - the first is similar to our recently restoring crèches [krešs] (jesle), it takes form 6 months to 3 years; the second is from 3 to 5 years. Then it’s basic school from 6 to 12 years. Children learn how to count, read, write, etc. during three double-years cycles. Then it’s high school which is compulsory and it takes 4 years (from 12 to 16 years). When teenager reaches 16 years he could go and work manually. Or student can press on (carry on) with 2 years maturita education (optional). Students can choose from 4 alternative ways of interest: science and hygienic, humanities and social sciences, technique, art. After final exam on high school these students can carry on and study on university. Education on university is divided to 3 cycles and after successful graduating each of them student obtains a college degree and may stop educating. First cycle lasts three years and after graduation students receive the title according to their specialization (Diplomado, Ingeniero Técnico or Arquitecto Técnico). Second cycle lasts 2 years, in medicine 3 years, and student i able to use the college degree Licenciado, Ingeniero or Arquitecto. The third two-year cycle focusing on independent scientific research completed by obtaining a graduate degree Doctorado.
In my opinion is the less complicated system of education in Czech Republic. But it is maybe just because I’m accustomed to our Czech country. However there is one really great point in Spanish pre-school period - crèches. It’s partly solving problem with maternity leave (mateřská dovolená) because if the women has a job before she gets pregnant - good for her, but after she gives a birth to her baby she has to take care of him/her and this takes some period of time. In the meantime she is not working of course and her employer couldn’t have enough patience and she could be fired.

Our town

Present your town and its surroundings to a stranger (history, present aspect, places of interest)
Do you miss anything in your town?
Is there anything you would like to change?

At the beginning I would like to tell briefly about the history of Zdar n. S.
Its history is closely associated with the development of the Cistercian monastery in Zdar and dates back to the second half of the 13th century. The monastery was founded in 1252 in deep forest; on the Libicka stezka. In the 13th century the old city few kilometers far from the curch was founded; with 100 citizens. Cardinal Frantisek of Ditrichstejn promoted the small village of Zdar to a town in 1607. In the second half of 16the century the monastery was plundered by Swedish army and the entire complex burn out at the big fire in 1689. The former monastery developed the present form during large reconstructions in the time of Abbot Vaclav Vejmluva in the first half of the 18th century. The reconstructions were designed by architect Jan Blazej Santini-Aichel.
Until the end of 19the century Zdar was a small city; some small factories, nothing special, it was divided into the Zdar – mesto and Zdar – zamek. The priest Josef Matej Sychra – an important person; the writer, narodni buditel… the railway station was build (HB – Brno)
In 1928 the president TGM visited the city; someone took a shot of him and a little girl (Eva Hankova) and this photo was used as a stamp..
In 1938 lord Runcimmor was invited to visit Zdar by R. Kinsky
Some people were arrested during the germany occupation..  and many people killed in the last days…
In the surrounding some partisans group were stayning, such as brigade Mistra Jana Husa.. hey were cooperating with the local communist party.
As the company Zdas was built  the population grew rapidly.
The city now: population almost 25000; it’s very well known for the high number of pubs in restaurant, although in my opinion, there is only a few interesting places that I visit with my friend…!  To be honest I think that Zdar is more or less just the industry city, the biggest factory in Zdar is surely Zdas, then Tokoz.. we have 5 primary school, then two gymnasiums and some more specificities  school..
Some events take place every year in Zdar: Horacky dzbanek – folk music festival, in the Castle, in the end of summer; The firework is on the first of January.. Another important event connected in with our city is the Pasiove hry, played by local actors, it showed the end of Jesus Christ life and it’s the biggest play in the whole republic.  I can also mention the Concerto Moraviea, festival of classic music, organized by Jakub Pustina. Festival Modre dny.
I have got some tips for a stranger who visit Zdar:
The statues built by Olsiak.. I got a very let’s say skeptical opinion about that..
In winter we have the best possibilities for doing the winter activity.. downhill skiing, cross-country skiing and s on..
Zdar nad Sazavou is situated at the frontier of Bohemia and Moravia in a picturesque region of Bohemian-Moravian Highland in the centre of the protected landscape area of Zdarske vrchy. It’s a very beautiful area with many fascinating view and lot of rocks such as Malinska skala, Dratenciky and so on.. the most beautiful village is surely Samotin, the highest mountain is Devet skal.. vokec
The Pilgrimage Church of Saint John of Nepomuk, one of the World Heritage Sites, is situated there.
The city is a prominent centre of tourism, as a ski resort in winter and a popular destination for cycling and bathing in the summer. It is also situated on a major rail link between Prague and Brno.
The Pilgrimage Church of St John of Nepomuk at Zelená Hora (Gruneberg) in Žďár nad Sázavou, near the border between Bohemia and Moravia, is the final masterpiece of Jan Santini Aichel, a maverick Bohemian architect who combined the Borrominiesque Baroque with references to Gothic elements in both construction and decoration.
In 1719, when the Roman Catholic Church declared the tongue of John of Nepomuk to be "incorruptible", work started to build a church in Zelena Hora, where the future saint had received his early education. It was consecrated immediately after John's beatification in 1720, although construction works lumbered on until 1727. Half a century later, after a serious fire, the shape of the roof was altered.
The church, with many furnishings designed by Santini himself, is remarkable for its gothicizing features and complex symbolism, quite unusual for the time. In 1993, it was declared a World Heritage Site. The nomination dossier pointed out to Santini's ratios aimed at "the creation of an independent spatial reality", with "the number 5 being dominant in the layout and proportions" of the church.
Some more place
Pilska nadrz
Tvrz, Church of Saint Prokop

Famous people born in Zdar: Sablikova – speedskater, who wan 2 gold medals in the Vancouver Olympic game and she has the record for the 5000m track, Koukal – he’s a skier who wan the World champ. In 2002 in Val – di Fiem, a ski-resort is named by him, Strejcek – member of European parlament, Rolinek – hockey player, Kinsky – it’s a very important family that live in the mansion above the Zelena hora, Drdla – great violinist , Nemcova, Vejmluva, Rajska – fashion designer
What do I miss in that great city..?
Yes, there some things I miss:
Some more of cultural life, I mean it’s very rear to hear in Zdar some good music band, I know some much smaller city where every week is some concert, but in zdar.. jeste by slo neco vymyslet
I’d like to change – definitely the main square – I think it’s a really big shame to have in the way it is know – something should be done with the Hotel Bílý lev, I have got a very bad feeling about that
Then it’s the railway station – it doesn’t really make a good feeling for a stranger who come to the city for the first time

But even with that problems we have in Zdar I’m quite happy to live there and I’d never trade with anyone!

Crime and punishment

Is crime a major problem in modern society ?
Are you afraid of criminals?
How do people get to know about crimes and acts of violence that have happened ?
Are prisons always a good solution to the problem ?
How do you feel about death penalty ?

Actually, crime has been a very big problem in our society for whole existence of our mankind. I’m sure that now days the crime is the bad part of the world where we live. Most committed crimes are against property, not people. And most is not carried out by professionals and carefully planned. Property crimes are based on the easy opportunity and are often committed by young people. There are many different types of crimes:
1) Minor offences:  drivers offences – illegal parking, speeding, driving against the red
     shoplifting – stealing things from opened shops
     tiny thefts from pockets - purses, mobile phones, keys, papers
2) Crime against property: burglary – someone break into flat, office or closed shop and steal st.
     hooliganism - fans, drunkards or demonstrationists pass a street, wreck cars, break windows, light a fire, make noise, demolish communal property
     robbery – stealing money from shops, banks, post offices, petrol stations
3) Crime against people:  assault – attacking someone and hurt him
     rape – special type of assault - violent sex
     blackmail – call for money somebody for example because of secret  information about him, which he doesn’t want to make public
     kidnapping – taking someone prisoners and demand money for his release
     mugging – attacking someone and stealing from him car in the street
     manslaughter – killing someone unintentionally
     murder – intentional kill, often planned
4) Economical crimes:  imposture –borrow money from someone and not to return it, sale false things
     smuggling – importing or exporting things secretly – goods, subject to duty
     forgery – making false documents, money, signature, stamps
There are also another, I think more dangerous crimes: hijacking, terrorism or dealing drugs.

To be honest I’m not sure if I would fear in some specific moment. For example if I would be in some bank and suddenly would come a group of robbers with guns, machineguns, shotguns, revolvers, colts and whatever it would be very difficult to solve that situation. I’m just a poor citizen of the city and I wasn’t trained to defusing these bad and dangerous persons. In other hand - imagine a situation: lady with a small baby wearing handbag – a nice day in a park but suddenly a thief is coming and he is stealing lady’s handbag with money or credit cards and he is running away. In this moment I would be chase him down out him under the law of Czech justice.

In my opinion people generally are interested in what is going on around them and they are able to know about crimes from TV, radio, today especially the internet. Or whether we are students or working persons – from colleagues or friends.

In my opinion, the prison is good way how to improve a prisoners mind. But there are a few buts. I would recommend imprison these people who committed a very bad crime such as crime against people (manslaughter, murder, rape, kidnap) these people are really dangerous. But burglars, thieves or shoplifters wouldn’t have the same conditions. They could work as a cheap manpower. Of course they would work on specific place in which is really hard to escape. This working process is necessary. For example imagine a non-existent person Bobby. Bobby is thief and shoplifter. He doesn’t have home and any family. Bobby is homeless. Bobby knows that after summer comes autumn and then winter. Bobby knows that in the winter he wouldn’t survive. Then Bobby goes to the shop and steals some delicious food. He gets arrested and imprisoned. It’s winter and Bobby is sitting in prison’s dining room and making a new friends and he knows that in spring he will be free. O.K. The biggest paradox is that food, drink, clothes, shoes, socks – everything is paid by taxpayers – citizens of Czech Republic. And there is not any law which could comfortably satisfied us.

About the death penalty we should speak very carefully. It’s a very controversial topic especially in today’s world. I don’t have nonconformist (vyhraněný) opinion for this but the first reaction in case that I hear about somebody who murdered 20 people in really masochistic way and during these acts he was smiling I would vote for YES. Why I should pay them a lifelong penalty stay in prison?

Healt and Diseases

What do people do to keep healthy?
What happens if they fall ill?
Do you think people are healthier now than they used to be? Why? Why not?
Have you ever had any serious problems?
Do you know of any famous discoveries in the field of medicine?
How does new technology help?

Hello everyone, especially you, dear teachers. I’d like to introduce myself as someone, who would like to talk about health and diseases (to zní divně).
What’s the best on diseases? Being without them.. Sounds nice, but what you can do for it? I have some tips and tricks for you, even thought I think that you’ve already heard some of them..
Exercise or just walk for at least 30 minutes per day. You need to move to burn those calories, to keep your body “oiled” and revving (roztočený). If you do it every day, you should be in a good shape.
Sleep earlier. Don’t stay up late, forget about all hectic things you have to do next day; just relax when you go to the bed.
Eat more vegetables, cut down on red meat, caffeine, sugar and salt. You don’t need to eat the chocolate every day, instead of fried cooked foot take rather vegetable salad; avoid fast foods.
Never skip breakfast. One proverb: Eat breakfast alone, share lunch with your friend and give dinner to your enemy. It’s most important food of the day.
Don’t stress out. Wash your hands often. Visit your doctor for annual (kazdorocni) tests. Routine tests can catch problems early on before they develop into real trouble later. Don’t let it grow into a big issue that costs a lot to deal with.
I think that everyone should be careful about their health, especially the young people like me . It’s to go party after a busy week, but you should release that you need to take a long sleep at first.. anyway it’s important to listen to your body.

What do I do if I fall ill? At the beginning, when I just don’t feel OK, I surely stop my training for a while to see if it’s not anything serious. If it’s just a headache I stay for a day at home. If it gets worse (temperature) you should go to your doctor. The cost of medical treatment in this county is almost for free, so you pay only a little charge. The doctor examines you to try to find out what’s wrong. He takes you the temperature, the blood pressure, he may ask you for blood sample; then you have to usually wait a few days to get the result. 
If you have a more serious problem, the doctor might refer you to a specialist at the hospital. The specialist can give you a more detailed diagnosis of the problem and, in some cases, recommended an operation. I think the healthcare system in this country works pretty well, although it’s better to be healthy and don’t use it at all..
Do you think people are healthier now than they used to be? Why? Why not? That’s a tricky guestion, I’d say. Maybe yes – becouse if you look at the averege age, it has increased a lot in the last century. We don’t to work the whole days, as people in the middle age used to do. We can exercises as much as we want, we can eat all kinds of vegetables, vitamine products.
On the other hand we sleep less than we should (8-6), most of the people live in the city, where is not so much of fresh air, lot of waste product and so on.. and we lot of people live very busy live, with no relaxation.. like me. Smoke, drinking alcohol….
 Have you ever had any serious problems?
I had a few troubles with my life, it wasn’t anything critical, but I had to stay in hospital..
In the age of 5 my friend hit me with a hoe (motyka) right to my head.. I had just a few memories (z hlavy vokecat)
In the first year at that school, I had to go to a surgery (operace) with my heel, I had a something on the bone there, I couldn’t almost walk… vice z hlavy
In September last year, I had a pneumonia.. I was lucky, the doctor sent just for sure to the hospital..

Do you know of any famous discoveries in the field of medicine?
As the most important medicine inventios in the history I consider the penicilin and X-Ray. Penicillin is a common antibiotic, used to treat bacterial infections, though many types of bacteria are now resistant. Penicillin was discovered by Scottish scientist Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928. It was not mass-produced until the 1940s, however. Penicillin is sometimes used to treat syphilis, tonsilitis, meningitis, and pneumonia as well as other diseases. It was commonly used during World War 2. Penicillin was discovered when Fleming discovered a mold(forma) that was stopping bacteria from growing on the petri dishes.
X-ray is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, with frequency higher than ultraviolet radiation. The frequency of X-ray covers a wide range. It can go through many solid materials. X-rays can be produced by hitting metal with fast-moving electrons. X-ray photography is used in medicine to see bones and cancer, and other things inside bodies. It was dicvered by Rontgen and it’s named after him.
Very well known czech invention is the contact lens, it was discovered by czech chemist Otto von Wichterle, although they were already described by Leonardo da Vinci..
Prof. Jan Jánsky  - he is credited with the first classification of blood into the four types..
How does new technology help?
Medicine is changing fast. The state of healthcare today will soon be outdated by new technologies.
Diabetic patients will soon be wearing a monitoring device on their wrist which checks glucose levels and raises an alarm when levels are too high or low.
Robots will be deployed in hospitals, running central supply services, filling requests and orders in the hospital pharmacy and carrying out a great range of tasks.
Tensions between raw scientific optimism and a desire to avoid potential adverse social and ethical consequences will affect the pace of development in studies of the human genome. Genetic testing and gene manipulation could transform medicine so that medicine will no longer be "diagnosis and treatment" but "prediction and prevention."Future generations will have the heavy responsibility of knowing their genetic makeup


Advantages and disadvantages of film and theatre - comparison
Famous films, festivals, awards
Going to the theatre - what do you have to do before you can get seated?
Is music important in your life? - Why?
The most famous musicians and popstars of the English -speaking world

I’d like to begin with theatre
Nowadays It may seems that the theatre is not so popular as it used to be. That might be a bit of tricky. Why is that?
One of the reason is surely TV and Radio, which has evolved in 20. Century…
One of the biggest advantages of going to theatre is that the performance you see is live, you see the actor speaking and so on..
Sometimes it might be hard to get the ticket for some very well known play and it costs much more than going to cinema
Another thing connected with theatre is what you need to wear: if you go to small club on Monday’s evening, it might be possible to wear usual clothes, but as you want to visit a play in any big scenes, there’ re some restriction for that; men should wear a suit, women would rather forget about trousers..
Let me very briefly describe the history of theatre- It started in greec, 5th century after Christ, as a traditional …(more in some Czech topic, right Jenda?
The most famous theatres around worlds are: The global theatre, The Carnegie hall, The Roman colisseum, the broadway theatre, in Chzech it’s National theatre.. some parts of theatre (audience, balcons ,…)
I’ve visited many plays.. some of them were great, some not that good; but I will definitely remember play wrote by Goldoni Sluha dvou panu.. plays by actors from Narodni divadlo (the main actor was Miroslav Donutil), comedia de’lla arte, reaction from audience
I also read some plays, but it’s not that as seeing it live. But I really enjoyed all Capek’s plays and  I enjoyed Gogol’s Revizor.

How it works? Films are made up of a series of individual images called frames. When these images are shown rapidly in succession, a viewer has the illusion that motion (pohyb) is occurring (nepřetržitý). The viewer cannot see the flickering between frames.
History of film – the beginning of movie goes to the end of 19the century; in 1895 in France was made the very first movie ever. It was very short and without sound, just the pictures, but people were truly fascinated about that and some af them were afraid.. in the 1920s the sound came to the movie.. the movie expanded very fast.. during the second world war Nazis used the films as way of their propaganda.. but across the sea it was not so much different (Chaplin)
I’d like to mention some movie that I consider as the best ones: it’s surely The Shawshank Redemption; The Godfather, Schindler’s list, Star wars I., II., III.; the Czech movie I like most is probably Pelisky. (to das z hlavy bejku kecani o tomto)
The Academy Awards (frequently known as the Oscars) – very well known; czech who has been awarded – Kolja, Ostre sledovane vlaky..; then MTV movie awards, in Europe - The Cannes Film Festival; he Berlin International Film Festival, in Czech we have Festival in Karlovy Vary, the main organizer is Bartoska.. Documentary festival in Jihlava
My favorite actor – Bale, Al Pacino, Penelope Cruz (vse z hlavy bejku)

The encyclopedia says: Music is an art form whose medium is sound. And that sounds so brightly to me than I have to say yes, it is! My favourite music period is in the middle of the last century – I mean it was the time when you can hear jazz, rock-and roll was starting with boogie woogie rhythm and so on.. vokec I’ve been  playing guitar for let’s say more than 10 years, …. Nejaky blbosti jsou jeste v ucebnici
What does it mean for me? Vokec!
My favourite band – mention Louis, Benny Goodman, Sinatra, Dean Martin, Rolling Stones, RHCP..